Category Archives: Demonstrations

Presentation of research results of the ARS project.

Recreation of the singing voice of the baroque singer Farinelli

Demonstration of the transposition of singing voice by means of the auto encoder/neural vocoder system developed in the ARS project, applied in the context of the artistic residency of Judith Deschamps.

Extract of the presentation « Quell’usignolo che innamorato », the resurgence of an artificial voice.


  • F. Bous, A. Roebel, “A Bottleneck Auto-Encoder for F0 Transformations on Speech and Singing Voice”. Information 2022, 13(3), 102; online version.
  • A. Roebel, F. Bous, “Neural Vocoding for Singing and Speaking Voices with the Multi-Band Excited WaveNet”. Information 2022, 13(3), 103; online version.

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