Analysis/Synthesis Team – IRCAM/CNRS/Sorbonne University
The analysis/synthesis (A/S) team of the STMS Lab (UMR 9912 IRCAM CNRS/Sorbonne University) is specialized in modelling and transformation of sounds, notably the singing voice. The A/S team has developed numerous tools for professional audio signal processing (e.g. IrcamTOOLS TRaX commercialized by partner Flux), and has become an important vector of transmission of research results into industrial applications.
The A/S team has started to work with deep learning based algorithms in 2018 and will contribute its competences related to expressive transformation of singing voice, modelling of singing style, voice source separation, and score alignment based on classical and deep learning approaches.

Institut d’Alembert LAM – Sorbonne University
The Lutheries-Acoustique-Musique team at Institut Jean Le Rond D’Alembert (Sorbonne Université, CNRS UMR 7190) conducts research in musical acoustics, including the singing voice. In addition to strong expertise in singing voice analysis, singing voice physiology and musicology, recent works on singing instruments attained international recognition (Cantor Digitalis, Guthman musical instruments prize 2015, Vokinesis). The acoustics of style variation in singing and control of real-time synthesis are among the research questions addressed by the D’Alembert that will be studied in this project by means of gestural analysis-by-synthesis tools.

Passages XX-XXI – Université Lumière-Lyon 2
Passage XX-XXI focuses on the analysis of contemporary literary and artistic practices by the study of the works, their creative process and their reception. In its multidisciplinary approach, combining musicology, literature and performing arts, it places the voice and its uses in performing arts (music,…) at the heart of its cross-disciplinary perspective. Since 2016, the musicological branch develops a new focus on the study of performance, vocal rendition and vocal rhetoric in popular music.

Flux:: Audio
Flux is a major contributor to the audio software industry since the 1990’s, with a focus on the creation of intuitive and innovative audio software tools. Their software is well renowned in the audio industry for its sonic quality and workflow, and is used by sound engineers and producers in the music, broadcast, postproduction, mastering and live audio industry all over the world. Flux:: has a profound experience and understanding of the demands and requirements of the professional audio industry, and one of their key products is the voice processing plugin suite, Trax, created in collaboration with IRCAM in 2010. Participants: Gaël Martinet (President, Chief engineer).